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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bandung Flood

  The Bandung flooding by the overflow of Citarum River had been the worst in 10 years. It was caused by a two-hour long heavy rain. The floods soaked 15 regions in Bandung regency such as Cicalengka, Rancaekek, Cileunyi, Solokan Jeruk, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, Pameungpeuk, Banjaran, Arjasri, Cangkuang, Katapang and Kutawaringin. 2 people died and 3 people missing, 3,000 people displaced. A total of 5,900 families / 24,000 inhabitants affected by the floods. 

  The poor drainage on Jl. Pasteur and dredging that yet had started of a water canal behind Bandung Trade Centre Mall (BTC) had worsened the flood. Vehicles parked at the BTC shopping mall have been awash. Some of them were even dragged along by the flood wave that resembled a small tsunami. By 5 p.m. on Monday, the floodwaters on Jl. Pasteur have fully receded and the area had already been cleaned up. Unfortunately, the floodtook the life of Ade Sudrajat ( 30 ), after he fell into the water and was swept away while trying to assist his friend escape from flooding on Jl. Setiabudi. His body was later found in a gutter.

Workers at Pertamina gas station clearing the area.

Some cars swept away by floodwaters.